Survey: a series of predetermined questions given to users of or participants in a system.
Purpose/ Advantage:
- When responses are multiple choice or ranked numerically on strength of feeling the results can be collated in a database or spreadsheet and the trends observed.
- Open questions provide an opportunity for users to respond freely and can reveal unanticipated needs.
- Responders to a survey can be anonymous; anonymity could generate honest responses or conversely, dishonest or non-serious responses
Closed questions: a question with a suggested limited number of responses which should be selected by the responder
- trends can be can observed
- anonymity
- does little to encourage the responder to open up
- not many people volunteer to complete surveys, often some sort of incentives are given to encourage responders
Open question: questions that do not suggest an answer and requires the responder to provide the answer
- answers are of the responder's personal opinion and is not limited
- trends cannot be easily observed
- accurate analysis cannot easily be made to find a relation between numerous surveys
Interview: discuss formally with (somebody) for the purpose of evaluation
- open questions are normally employed, therefore they can probe more deeply than a survey
- may suggest surprising new directions
Focus groups: a group activity where you gather users or participants with similar interests in the system; brings together a no. of people for a group discussion or interview were all can contribute their ideas.
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